As if Hondurans don’t have enough to suffer with their corrupt narco-trafficking government, some of the world’s highest levels of violence and a complete lack of opportunities, figures show that the country also suffers a constant epidemic of dengue fever. Telesur reported the figures in December.
17 December 2019

Honduras’ Health Ministry Tuesday published an epidemiological report revealing that 177 people died from dengue during 2019, a figure which includes 101 cases of children.
The Arbovirosis Surveillance coordinator Gustavo Urbina explained that no more deaths have been confirmed; however, children are still the most affected by the virus. “Fifty-seven percent of the certified deaths are under-15-years cases, 55 percent of which were between the ages of five and nine”.
Over the last week, there were 96 more cases of dengue compared to the previous week, and it is still the northern coast of the country where the highest number of infections is reported.
“We will, unfortunately, end this year with a severe dengue epidemic,” Deputy Health Minister Roberto Cosenza said. “We have not sufficiently lowered the cases despite the multiple measures that have been used and the messages that have been promoted through different media,” he added.

So far 105,513 people have been reported infected with dengue, 86,313 of whom have been diagnosed with classic, non-fatal dengue, while 19,200 presented the hemorrhagic branch of the disease.
Cosenza also called on the population to take strong measures to avoid the death of more children from dengue and urged to control the vector through the maintenance of clean backyards and open areas, as well as covering the containers where water accumulates.
Epidemiologist Roxana Araujo said that the epidemic will continue to be a threat next year and explained that the re-entry of dengue serotype two into Honduras has made children the most vulnerable group to it.
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warned that the number of people affected by the disease in Central America has increased to 2,733,635 this year, 1,206 of whom have died.