| Interviewee: Purificación Hernández
Location: San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Quezaltenango, Guatemala
Date: 25 July 2009
Keywords: General Law of Mining (Honduras); mining companies; open cast mining; cyanide; Hurricane Mitch aid; Civic Alliance for Democracy. |   |
 | Interviewee: Dina Meza
Location: Tegucigalpa
Date: 22nd May 2017
Keywords: human rights; rights defenders; environmental defenders; journalism; media censorship; precautionary measures; freedom of expression |   |
 | Interviewee: Aurelia Arzú, vice-President of OFRANEH (the Black Fraternal Organisation of Honduras)
Location: The Tattershall Castle, a boat on the River Thames in London
Date: 25th September 2017
Keywords: OFRANEH; Garífuna people; indigenous peoples; the ‘commons’; ILO Convention 169; human rights defending; criminalisation; land titles; threats; tourism developments; coconut oil; African palm oil. |   |
 | Interviewee: Bertha Cáceres, leader of COPINH, the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Peoples of Honduras
Location: Intibucá, Honduras
Date: March 2010
Theme: COPINH; resistance; indigenous knowledge.
Keywords: TBC |   |
 | Interviewee: Padre Andrés Tamayo
Location: Online
Date: 8th July 2010
Theme: Email Interview regarding deforestation in Olancho, Honduras
Keywords: TBC |   |
 | Interviewee: Alfredo López
Location: Triunfo de la Cruz, Faluma Bimetu radio station
Date: 16 August 2010
Theme: TBC
Keywords: TBC |   |
 | Interviewees: Eduardo Zavala, Executive Director of FP and Dennis Sierra, Director of Jeannette Kawas National Park
Location: Tela, Honduras
Date: 17th August 2010
Theme: Area protection; threats to the environment.
Keywords: NGO | conservation | Caribbean coast | Garífuna | plantations | monocultivación | land invasions | palm oil | drug trafficking | tourism | fishing |   |
 | Interviewee: Bryn Wolfe
Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Date: Wed. 18th August 2010
Theme: General human rights situation in Honduras; palm oil cultivation and Miguel Facussé; free trade treaties
Keywords: TBC |  |
 | Interviewees: Elvín Maldonado, María-José Bonilla, and Juan Granados – All members of the Camamento Environmentalist Movement (CAM)
Location: Campamento, Olancho, Honduras
Date: Wed. 20th August 2010
Theme: Deforestation in Olancho, Honduras; threats to defenders of the forests
Keywords: TBC |   |
 | Interviewees: Bryn Wolfe (long time development worker in numerous parts of the world), Elly Alvarado (resident of Tegucigalpa and Bryn’s wife) and Mauricio Santos (member of the Artists in Resistance Collective, Honduras)
Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Date: Wed. 22nd August 2010
Theme: Resistance to the 2009 coup; post-coup developments in Honduras
Keywords: TBC |  |
 | Interviewee: Dr Juan Almendares
Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Date: 23rd August 2010
Theme: TBC
Keywords: TBC |   |
 | Interviewee: René Wilfredo Gradis of the MAO (Olancho Environmental Movement)
Location: Olancho, Honduras
Date: 28th August 2010
Theme: TBC
Keywords: TBC |   |
 | Interviewee: Berta Oliva, President of COFADEH (the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras)
Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Date: 23rd August 2010
Theme: TBC
Keywords: TBC |   |
 | Interviewee: Lizandro [pseudonym]
Location: Centro de Amigos para la Paz, San José, Costa Rica
Date: 11th July 2010
Theme: TBC
Keywords: TBC
|   |
 | Interviewee: Gerson Suazo
Location: Central Square, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Date: 11 September 2015
Theme: Los Indignados
Keywords: protests | government corruption | CICIH (International Commission Against Impunity in Honduras) | Hunger strike
|   |
 | Interviewee: COPINH (Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations of Honduras)
Location: COPINH’s office, La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras
Date: 23rd September 2015
Keywords: peaceful resistance; indigenous rights; transnational companies; community radio; ILO Convention 169; Lenca people; CONATEL; repression; impunity; National Institute for Agrarian Reform.
|   |
 | An interview with Gustavo Castro (conducted by Vinicio Chacón for the Costa Rica weekly Semanario Universidad) is given as an article in Chapter 8 of this website (in the sub-section on ‘Land disputes and encroachments …’). Gustavo was with Berta Cáceres when she was assassinated in March 2016 and was left for dead by the hitmen.
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